As summer days stretch on in Kendallville, IN, the thought of your furnace keeping you warm might seem like a distant memory. But before you know it, cool autumn air will have you reaching for the thermostat. To ensure your furnace is ready to heat your home against winter’s chill efficiently and reliably, a furnace tune up is essential.

Here at T&T Plumbing & Heating, Inc., we understand the importance of preventative maintenance, and want your furnace to be prepared. That’s why we recommend scheduling your annual furnace tune up before the first cold snap of fall.

Why Does My Furnace Need a Tune Up?

Think of your furnace as the dependable workhorse of your home’s comfort system. Just like a car needs regular maintenance to run smoothly, your furnace benefits from a yearly check-up. A tune-up by a qualified technician from T&T Plumbing & Heating will:

Tune ups provide the regular servicing that furnaces need to maintain efficient and reliable operation throughout the winter season.

Why Schedule Before Winter?

While a furnace tune up can be beneficial at any time, scheduling it before colder weather arrives puts you at an advantage:

Once cold weather arrives, it’s a busy season again for HVAC technicians. Many homeowners who skip maintenance find themselves left with a pilot light that won’t stay on, a foul smell from the furnace, or even a broken heater once they try to fire up the unit on the first truly cold day. The demand for our services can skyrocket when the temperature falls. Even if you just need a furnace tune up, wait times will be worse than during months where outdoor temperatures are still mild in Kendallville.

Worry-Free Furnace Maintenance With the T&T Comfort Club

We understand that life can get busy. Remembering to schedule annual furnace tune-ups can easily fall by the wayside. That’s why we created the T&T Comfort Club, a membership program designed to streamline your home’s comfort needs.

Here’s how the T&T Comfort Club takes the hassle out of furnace maintenance and helps you save money:

The T&T Comfort Club offers a comprehensive and convenient solution for all your furnace maintenance needs. By joining, you’ll ensure your furnace receives the care it needs to operate efficiently and reliably for years to come, all while saving you time, money, and stress.

Don’t Wait Until the Winter Months Arrive—Schedule Now

Schedule your seasonal furnace tune up with T&T Plumbing & Heating today! Our qualified technicians will ensure your furnace is ready to keep your Kendallville home warm and comfortable all winter long. Contact us now to make your appointment.